east-west-aromatherapist & herbalist

east-west-aromatherapist & herbalist– 350 hrs Ancient health systems including Ayurveda assert that the sound of the breath is represented by the syllables:: SO (inhale) and HA [...]

Whole Foods N C

Our Whole Foods Nutritional Counselor Program  brings together the two perspectives of scientific knowledge and Energetic properties of foods. We instruct students  on how to [...]

Feng Shui/Chinese Astrology

Feng-shui-chinese-astrology-consultant: Graduates will attain expertise in doing consultations for home or office. Seymour’s approach integrates clients’ heath tendencies and life [...]


Massage-Therapist: This program satisfies the requirements of Czech State licensing and covers the essential styles of western bodywork necessary to create a successful career in massage. [...]

Zen-Touch Shiatsu

What is Zen-Touch Shiatsu ? Zen-Touch Shiatsu is a trademarked / ™ innovative hybrid of shiatsu, acupressure, and Asian/Eastern bodywork created by Seymour Koblin. Practitioners apply [...]


Tai Chi Chuan in Czech Republic and San Diego CA USA tai-chi-form-practitioner-instructor  250 hrs: The Chinese Classics on Tai Chi Chuan form say that: “doing the form repeatedly is [...]


chi-kung-practitioner-instructor:The Chi Kung Practitioner/Instructor mentorship training includes 50 hrs of public classes and  private apprenticeship classes with Seymour Koblin. [...]

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