Our Whole Foods Nutritional Counselor Program  brings together the two perspectives of scientific knowledge and Energetic properties of foods. We instruct students  on how to help people nourish their  lives by balancing nutrients with the energies that best complement each person’s  nutritional needs. An overly pressured individual, will  be best served by understanding which foods can open and relax his  body mind spirit while providing the nutrients that  complement the functioning of all his body systems. The ISOHA Nutritional counselor will go deeper than addressing  the clients symptoms by assessing which body system is most lacking and which is overworking. The extremes of this balance is the root/source of any symptoms. Physiology and Pathology are integrated with Lifestyle and nutritional deficiencies or excesses in order to provide a Holistic approach to  diet.

“George Ohsawa” once commented how a tree lives for 1000’s of years by maintaining a very simple and inexpensive yet totally inspiring existence. How? Free of costly supplements, and special therapies, a tree receives nourishment by integrating its life with the same powerful forces of nature that surround all life forms. A tree lives with very basic needs yet shares so much passion by influencing and feeding the souls of all beings who appreciate its majestic presence. These life creating forces of nature are truly remarkable. ISOHA teaches students to integrate these forces of nature into each nutritional counseling.

Now there is scientific evidence verifying the power of these primal sources of energy that ancient cultures have spoken of for thousands of years. The basis of all life that the ancients spoke of as the complementary energies of Yin/Yang are now referred to as gravity, electromagnetic, strong(holding material together) and weak(moving phenomena apart) forces. The Tao, Wuji, or Infinite universe, now referred to as the Unified or Zero Point field is the space that nourishes all life forms.

emotionall Foods

                              Foods and Emotions are connected

ISOHA students  recommendations consist primarily of whole foods and herbs as the main  ingredients of a nutritional counseling session.  Supplements are a secondary recommendation in cases of severe deficiencies. All life forms require  three primal nutrients in order to survive. First is air, next is food and third is nourishing relationships. E- Motions may in fact be more energizing than O2 or Food. All of these must be addressed in a nutritional counseling session. Energetic studies include  Ayurvedic, Macrobiotics, and Traditional Chines Medicine. Western diet perspectives studied include, Raw, Cooked, Alkaline, high protein and Vegan approaches. ISOHA counselors are taught to assess which of the above influences  match the constitution and condition of each client. We treat people’s individual needs without ascribing to any one right or wrong approach- BALANCE

For those interested in Macrobiotic  Counselor Certification the Internship will be different. More time will be spent comparing traditional Macrobiotic theory and cooking practices.  We will discuss how Macrobiotic preparations fit into a wide application that includes cancer prevention  and therapy as described by the founders of Macrobiotics as well  as the many varying modern day nutritional applications.


Course work is designed to be completed within six to nine months, however, a student is not limited to this time frame and can extend to accommodate their working schedule.  Individual classes are offered on weeknights and weekend days.  Course requirements are as follows:


                        Anatomy & Physiology                                   100 hours

                        Whole Foods Nutrition                                   20 hours

Foods -are emotional

                               Foods affect Feelings

                        Comparative Nutrition                                    20 hours

                        Communication & Counseling                      12 hours

                         Food Preparation                                             32 hours

                         Art of Speaking                                                  12 hours

                        Body Reading                                                      12 hours

                        First Aid & CPR                                                  10 hours

                        Herbology Introduction                                  8 hours 

                        Nutritional Counselor Internship               50 hours

                        Business Practices                                              6 hours        

                       Whole Foods Integration Courses               48 hours
            (Nutrition, Herbs or other Holistic  Electives)

Martina Coco Smart Cuisine Vojackova –  ESSENTIAL  SEASONAL MACROBIOTIC  Food Preparation series starts this January 14th. Martina and Seymour share  a wide scope individualized approach to Macrobiotics  that is  both healthy and  DELICIOUS.


                                              Healthy delicious and satisfying foods

“Martina’s food is so satisfying. Most people are amazed that it is Macrobiotic. Unfortunately, the Macrobiotic experience for many in Czech Republic is other than delicious or creative. I am so grateful to find Martina. Her food radiates vitality and an inquisitive,  inspiring flavor that makes one wonder how can such healthy food be so satisfying?  One taste of her food and you will understand what I am talking about” – Seymour Koblin

iSOHA’s Macrobiotic Counseling and Cooking Certification will impart these principles and practices to all participants.

Whole Foods and Comparative Nutrition, and Food Preparation classes are best taken in the beginning of the course and the Clinical Internship will culminate the program with actual case studies.

The School of Healing Arts offers a correspondence version of the Nutritional Counselor course.  300 hours in lessons are studied through books, or handout formats and may include audio/or video tapes of classroom lectures, These materials and tests are sent to the distance learning student in a progression that is appropriate for each students available time frame and level of competence. Once lessons are completed new lessons will be sent by post or e-mail.

Seymour Koblin will supervise each student through their studies through e-mail or  phone conversation.

In order to verify comprehension and hourly progress, reports, questionnaires and tests are returned to the School for grading.  Although flexibility is provided for individual situations, it is recommended that the student complete a minimum of 10 to 30 hours of coursework per week.  Students must write a  monthly progress to ensure continuing commitment in the course.

Completion of the remaining 50 hours of clinical internship is accomplished through detailed client history forms and nutritional recommendation guidelines, which the student writes for each client they are working with.  These on-going monitored case studies provide a valuable experiential practicum and serve as the student’s thesis.

After all coursework, questionnaires and reports have been completed, a final exam is sent to the student.  The essay style exam is a measure of the student’s ability to apply their learned skills in a creative problem solving format as the questions do not have answers that could be memorized or be found in reference material.
Affordable Payment plans can be arranged. Once enrolled, the student is responsible for payment of the entire course.


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